9/27/2016 Deirdre Sinnott reading from her novel The Third Mrs. Galway.
Deirdre's Reading List (or, What I've Been Doing Lately)
I started to keep a list of the books I read in August of 2001. That month, being isolated from television, I completed nine books. Certainly not a record, but a lot for me. After a while data takes on a life of its own and just the fact that I had the list influenced what I read. I started to read more of the "classics" and found they're great books. I hope you find something on this list that interests you. For my thoughts on certain books click the "review" link.
Shrinking the Cat, by Sue Hubble, 7/2001
Assata, by Assata Shakour, 8/01
Biko, by Donald Woods, 8/01
The Catskills a Geological Guide, by Robert Titus, 8/01
Taliban, by Ahmed Rashid, 11/01
Power Politics, by Arundhati Roy, 11/27/01
A History of Iraq, by Charles Tripp, 1/10/02
The Lessons of Terror, by Caleb Carr, 3/2/02
The CIA's Secret War in Tibet, by Kenneth Conboy & James Morrison, 3/18/02
The Monkey in the Mirror, by Ian Tattersall, 4/4/02
21 Dog Years, by Mike Daisey, 6/6/02
Barbed Wire: A Political History, by Olivier Razac, 6/30/02
Inside the Cuban Revolution, by Julia E. Sweig, 6/30/02
Chile: the Other September 11: An Anthology of Reflections on the 1973 Coup, by Ariel Dorfman, Pilar Aquilera, and Recardo Fredes, 7/14/02
Politics on Trial: Five famous trials of the 20th century, By William Kunstler 8/12/02
The Gangs of New York, by Herbert Asbury, 8/20/02 [referenced in review]
War on Iraq: What team Bush doesn't want you to know, by William Rivers Pitt with Scott Ritter, 2/4/03
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by Dave Eggers, 6/1/03
The Genesis of Capital, by Karl Marx. 6/14/03
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay, L.L.D., 6/18/03
The Iron Triangle: Inside the secret world of the Carlyle Group, by Dan Briody, 7/7/03
The Art of War, by Sun-Tzu, 7/13.03
The Cult of Revolutionary Tradition: The Blanquists in French Politics, 1864-1893, by Patrick H. Hutton, 08/03
Chile 1970-1973: From Allendel's Election to the Fascist takeover, From the pages of Workers World Newspaper, 9/14/03
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, by Lynne Truss, 5/04
We Want Freedom, by Mumia Abu-Jamal, 6/03/04
The Merry Recluse, by Caroline Knapp, 07/13/04
The Color of Water, by James McBride, 08/28/04
Around the Bloc, by Stephanie Elizando Griest, 10/10/04
Because I Remember Terror Father I Remember You, by Sue William Silverman 11/11/04
Running with Scissors, by Augusten Burroughs, 12/03/04
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, By Frederick Engels 1/3/05
Dry, by Augusten Burroughs, 1/31/05
Passing for Thin: Losing Half My Weight and Finding My Self, by Frances Kuffel, 2/18/05
Lucky, by Alice Sebold 2/20/05
The Great Game: Memoirs of the Spy Hitler Couldn't silence, by Leopold Trepper, 3/4/05
The Royal Navy and the Slavers: The Suppression of the Atlantic Slave Trade, by W.E.F. Ward, 3/15/05
Iraq Inc., A Profitable Occupation, by Pratap Chatterjee, 3/24/05
Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood, by Koren Zailckas 4/7/05
Terry Jones's War on the War on Terror: Observations and Denunciations by a Founding Member of Monty Python, 7/2/05
My Life in the Middle Ages, by James Atlas, 9/4/05
Thinking Like Your Editor: How to Write Great Serious Nonfictionî¤ Get it Published, by Susan Rabiner & Alfred Fortunato, 9/11/05
Writing the Memoir, Judith Barrington, 9/16/05
Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington, by George Galloway, 10/5/05
78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never be Published & 14 Why it Just Might, by Pat Walsh, 10/8/05
We Won't Go! The truth on military recruiters & the draft: A guide to resistance, Edited by LeiLani Dowell, Sara Flounders, Dustin Langley & Walter Williams, 10/9/05
Nisei Daughter, by Monica Sone, 10/17/05
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou, 11/20/05
With Napoleon in Russia, the Extraordinary Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Aide and Confidant to the Emperor, 12/5/05
Thieves of Baghdad, by Matthew Bogdanos, 12/10/05
Bronx Primitive, By Kate Simon, 12/13/05
Hannibal Crosses the Alps, by John Prevas, 12/30/05
Chain of Command: The road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib, by Seymour M. Hersh, 1/3/06
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote, 1/8/06
American Hostage: A memoir of a journalist kidnapped in Iraq and the remarkable battle to win his release, by Micah Garen & Marie-Héléne Carleton, 1/11/06
An American Childhood, by Annie Dillard, 1/24/06
Beating Diabetes, by David M. Nathan M.D. & Linda M. Delahanty, M.S., R.D., 1/28/06
Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language, by Eva Hoffman, 2/14/06
American Daughter: Discovering My Mother, by Elizabeth Kendall, 3/20/06
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins, 3/28/06 [referenced in review]
The Devil's Own Work: The Civil War Draft Riots and the Fight to Reconstruct America, by Barnet Schecter, 4/12/06 [read review]
Road Song: A Memoir, by Natalie Kusz, 4/18/06 [read review]
The Glass Castle: A Memoir, by Jeannette Walls, 5/10/06 [read review]
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, by Anthony Arnove, 5/29/06 [read review]
When All the World Was Young, by Barbara Holland, 6/6/06 [read review]
Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey to Guantanamo and Back, by Moazzam Begg, 6/29/06 [read review]
Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, by Richard A. Clarke, 7/27/06 [referenced in review]
The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of its Enemies Since 9/11, by Ron Suskind, 8/4/06 [read review]
Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction, by Eric Foner, 9/17/06 [read full review]
Our America and Theirs: Kennedy and the Alliance for Progress - Debate at Punta del Este,
Speeches and interviews by Ernesto Che Guevara, 9/19/06 [read full review] -
Love on the Rocks: Men, Women, and Alcohol in Post-World War II America, by Lori Rotskoff, 9/24/06 [read full review]
The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina, by Frank Rich, 9/29/06 [read full review]
My Kitchen Wars: A Memoir, by Betty Fussell, 10/23/06
How I Became Hettie Jones, by Hettie Jones, 11/13/06
Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change, by Scott Ritter, 11/19/06 [read full review]
Green Thoughts, by Eleanor Perenyi, 12/7/06
Zami A New Spelling of My Name, A Biomythography by Audre Lorde, 12/17/06
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon, Vol 1, by Constant: Premier Valet de Chambre, 12/28/06
Napoleon Banished: The Journeys to Elba and to St. Helena Recorded in the Letters and Journal of two British Naval Officers, Captain Thomas Ussher and Lieutenant Nelson Mills, 12/28/06
The First Human: The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors, by Ann Gibbons, 12/30/06
The Iraq Study Group Report: The Way Forward -- A New Approach, 12/31/06
The Door of No Return: The History of Cape Coast Castle and the Atlantic Slave Trade, by William St. Clair, 1/7/07 [read full review]
Untitled Memoir, by Emily Mikulewicz, 1/14/07, Mansuscript
The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion, 1/16/07 [mentioned in blog]
Get the Sugar Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Sugar Out of Any Diet, by Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S., 2/5/07 [mentioned in blog]
The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, by Lawrence Wright, 2/8/07 [mentioned in blog]
North Star Country: Upstate New York and the Crusade for African American Freedom, by Milton C. Sernett, 2/11/07 [mentioned in blog]
The Mother Knot: A Memoir, by Kathryn Harrison, 2/23/07 [mentioned in blog]
The Memoir and the Memoirist: Reading and Writing Personal Narrative, by Thomas Larson, 3/9/07 [read full review]
Underground Railroad in New York and New Jersey, by William J. Switala, 3/18/07 [mentioned in blog]
Blue Jay's Dance: A Birth Year, by Louise Erdrich, 3/23/07
Teaming with Microbes: A Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis, 4/1/07 [mentioned in blog]
Life is Ridiculous, by Valerie Fausone, 4/7/07 [mentioned in blog]
The White Pacific: U.S. Imperialism and Black Slavery in the South Seas after the Civil War, by Gerald Horne, 4/8/07, [read full review]
An Unconventional Family, by Sandra Lipsitz Bem, 4/15/07
My Name is Bill: Bill Wilson -- His Life and the Creation of Alcoholics Anonymous, by Susan Cheever, 4/22/07 [mentioned in blog]
In the Shadow of the Civil War: Passmore Williamson and the Rescue of Jane Johnson, by Nat Brandt with Yanna Kroyt Brant, 4/29/07 [read full review]
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, by Alison Bechdel, 5/15/07 [mentioned in blog]
Autobiography of a Face, by Lucy Grealy, 5/20/07 [mentioned in blog]
Truth & Beauty: A Friendship, by Ann Patchett, 6/3/07 [mentioned in blog]
Fall Scaping: Extending Your Garden Season Into Autumn, by Nancy J. Ondra and Stephanie Cohen, photos by Rob Cardillo, 6/8/07 [read full review]
Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction, by Dr. Robert W. Kellemen and Karole A. Edwards, 6/17/07 [read full review]
Fat Girl, by Judith Moore, 7/25/07 [mentioned in blog]
The Next Justice: Repairing the Supreme Court Appointment Process, by Christopher L. Eisgruber, 8/6/07, [read full review]
The Judge: William P. Clark Ronald Reagan's Top Hand, by Paul Kengor & Patricia Clark Doerner, 8/12/07, [read full review]
god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, by Christopher Hitchens, 9/9/07 [mentioned in blog]
Sickened: The True Story of a Lost Childhood, by Julie Gregory, 9/12/07 [mentioned in blog]
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq, by Stephen Kinzer, 9/22/07, [mentioned in blog]
The Year 1000: What Life was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium, An Englishman's World, by Robert Lacey & Danny Danziger, 10/5/07, [mentioned in blog]
Untitled Manuscript, by Albert Ramos, 10/8/07
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, by Michael Pollan, 10/15/07 [mentioned in blog]
They Come Back Singing: Finding God with the Refugees, by Gary Smith, SJ, 10/19/07, [read full review]
Appetites: Why Women Want, by Caroline Knapp, 10/24/07, [mentioned in blog]
The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War, by David Halberstam, 11/18/07 [mentioned in blog]
The Great Negro Plot: A Tale of Conspiracy and Murder in Eighteenth-Century New York, by Mat Jonson, 11/24/07 [mentioned in blog]
The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman, 12/9/07 [mentioned in blog]
Endangered Pleasures, by Barbara Holland, 12/12/07
A Life in Smoke: A Memoir, by Julia Hansen, 12/16/07
Flashbacks of Abuse: How a Machine Gun Toting Sociopath Freed Me from the Chains of my Childhood, by Mark Douglass, 12/21/07, [mentioned in blog]
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death & The World it Made, by Norman F. Cantor, 12/27/07
Swimming Up the Tigris: Real Life Encounters with Iraq, by Barbara Nimri Aziz, 12/31/07 [mentioned in blog]
Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia, by John Gray, 1/7/08
Fireweed: A Political Autobiography, by Gerda Lerner, 1/21/08 [mentioned in blog]
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, by Michael Pollan, 2/1/08 [mentioned in blog]
The Paradox of Tar Heel Politics: The Personalities, Elections, and Events that Shaped Modern North Carolina, by Rob Christensen, 2/10/08, [read full review]
After Tamerlane: The Global History of Empire Since 1405, by John Darwin, 2/17/08, [mentioned in blog]
Red Dirt: Growing Up Okie, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, 2/20/08, [mentioned in blog]
State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration, by James Risen, 2/26/08, [mentioned in blog]
Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt, by Nina Burleigh, 3/4/08, [mentioned in blog]
Freedom's Unsteady March: America's Role in Building Arab Democracy, by Tamara Cofman Wittes, 3/15/08, [read full review]
Where Have All the Soldiers Gone?: The Transformation of Modern Europe, by James J. Sheehan, 3/23/08, [mentioned in blog]
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, by Jared Diamond, 3/31/08, [mentioned in blog]
A Nuclear Family Vacation: Travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry, by Nathan Hodge & Sharon Weinberger, 4/20/08, [read full review]
Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure, 4/24/08 [mentioned in blog]
In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India, by Edward Luce, 5/3/08, [mentioned in blog]
Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind, by Gary Marcus, 5/10/08, [mentioned in blog]
Them: A Memoir of Parents, by Francine du Plessix Gray, 6/5/08
It's a Long Road to a Tomato: Tales of an Organic Farmer Who Quit the Big City for the (Not So) Simple Life, by Keith Stewart, 6/9/08, [mentioned in blog]
Fountain of Marvelous, by Valerie Fausone, 6/13/08, [mentioned in blog]
Once a Marine: An Iraq Tank Commander's Inspirational Memoir of Combat, Courage, and Recovery, by Nick Popaditch with Mike Steere, 7/2/08
The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine, by Charles Petzold, 7/10/08, [mentioned in blog]
The Boys of My Youth, by Jo Ann Beard, 7/16/08
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein, 7/26/08
How to Fish, by Chris Yates, 7/29/08
Wounded Warriors: Those for Whom the War Never Ends, Mike Sager, 8/18/08, [read full review]
Mexican Enough: My Live Between the Borderlines, by Stephanie Elizondo Griest, 8/31/08, [mentioned in blog]
The Way of The World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism, by Ron Suskind, 10/02/08, [mentioned in blog]
Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy, by Noam Chomsky and Gilbert Achcar, 10/11/08, [read full review]
The Liars' Club: A Memoir, by Mary Karr, 10/22/08
Higher Realism: A New Foreign Policy for the United States, by Seyom Brown, 10/27/08, [read full review]
The Art of Time in Memoir: Then, Again, by Sven Birkerts, 11/2/08
Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong: Reopening the Case of The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Pierre Bayard, 11/05/08, [mentioned in blog]
Church of Lies, by Flora Jessop and Paul T. Brown, 11/12/08
Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still, by Dan Diner, 11/20/08, [read full review]
She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders, by Jennifer Finney Boylan, 12/1/08
The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq, by Helen Benedict, 12/9/08, [read full review]
Seven Deadly Sins: A Very Partial List, by Avid Kleinberg, 12/28/08
Naked in the Promised Land: A Memoir, by Lillian Faderman, 12/30/08, [mentioned in blog]
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, by Niall Ferguson. 1/1/09, [mentioned in blog]
Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food, by Jan Chozen Bays, MD, 1/3/09
Bread Body Spirit: Finding the Sacred in Food, Edited by Alice Peck, 1/11/09, [read full review]
Foods Jesus Ate and How to Grow Them, by Allan A. Swenson, 1/23/09, [read full review]
Unholy Business: A True Tale of Faith, Greed & Forgery in the Holy Land, by Nina Burleigh, 1/25/09, [mentioned in blog]
House of Happy Endings: A Memoir, by Leslie Garis, 2/5/09, [mentioned in blog]
I Never Thought Addiction Could Happen to Me, by Loree Taylor Jordan, 2/6/09, [mentioned in blog]
Patty's Got a Gun: Patricia Hearst in 1970s America, by William Graebner, 2/6/09, [mentioned in blog]
The Kiss: A Memoir, by Kathryn Harrison, 2/7/09, [mentioned in blog]
Dread: How Fear and Fantasy have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Death to the Avian Flu, by Philip Alcabes, 2/21/09, [read full review]
A Girl Named Zippy: Growing Up Small in Mooreland, Indiana, by Haven Kimmel, 3/1/09, [mentioned in blog]
An American Trilogy: Death, Slavery, and Dominion on the Banks of the Cape Fear River, by Steven M. Wisw, 3/9/09, [read full review]
Love Junkie: A Memoir of Love and Sex Addiction, by Rachel Resnick, 3/12/09, [mentioned in blog]
Wishful Drinking, by Carrie Fisher, 3/21/09, [mentioned in blog]
This Boy's Life, by Tobais Wolff, 3/28/09, [mentioned in blog]
Normal Eating for Normal Weight: The Path to Freedom from Weight Obsession and Food Cravings, by Sheryl Canter, M.A., 3/29/09, [mentioned in blog]
Five-Finger Discount: A Crooked Family History, by Helene Stapinski, 4/11/09, [mentioned in blog]
Brother I'm Dying, by Edwidge Danticat, 5/3/09, [mentioned in blog]
Apples and Oranges: My Brother and Me, Lost and Found, by Marie Brenner, 6/7/09
Fierce Attachments: A Memoir, by Vivian Gornick, 6/12/09
The Solitude of Self: Thinking About Elizabeth Cady Stanton, by Vivian Gornick, 6/15/09
Women In Utopia: The Ideology of Gender in the American Owenite Communities, by Carol A. Kolmerten, 6/21/09, [mentioned in blog]
The Situation and the Story: The Art of Personal Narrative, by Vivian Gornick, 6/30/09
Born in the Wrong Country, by Milton Lee Norris, 7/3/09
Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, by Richard Wrangham, 7/26/09, [mentioned in blog]
My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands, by Chelsea Handler, 8/12/09
Man Versus Nature: The Field & Stream Guide to How to Stay Alive in the Outdoors, by Howard Earl & Frederic T. Jung, 8/14/09
The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler, 9/11/09
Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity, by Kerry Cohen, 10/1/09
Welfare Brat: A Memoir, by Mary Childers, 10/15/09
Unafraid of the Dark: A Memoir, by Rosemary L. Bray, 11/17/09
Descent into Chaos: The U.S. and the Disaster in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia, by Ahmed Rashid, 11/21/09
Landscape for a Good Woman: A Story of Two Lives, by Carolyn Kay Steedman, 12/16/09
Open: An Autobiography, by Andre Agassi, 12/30/09
New York City in 3D: A Look Back in Time, 1/2/2010
Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City, Greg Grandin, 1/16/2010
When I was Puerto Rican, by Esmeralda Santiago, 1/18/2010
Memior: A History, by Ben Yagoda, 1/24/2010
Messages of Life from Death Row, by Pierre Pradervand, 1/31/2010
Speak, Memory, by Vladimir Nabokov, 2/19/2010
In the Wilderness: Coming of Age in Unknown Country, by Kim Barnes, 2/22/2010
I'm Perfect, You're Doomed: Tales from a Jehovah's Witness Upbringing, by Kyria Abrahams, 3/12/2010, [mentioned in blog]
Hollowing Out the Middle: The Rural Brain Drain and What It Means for America, by Patrick J. Carr and Maria J. Kefalas, 3/24/2010
Reality Hunger: A Manifesto, by David Shields, 4/6/2010
The Road from Coorain, by Jill Ker Conway, 5/4/2010
1959: The Year Everything Changed, by Fred Kaplan, 5/20/2010
The Black Girl Next Door: A Memoir, by Jennifer Baszile, 5/30/2010
When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present, by Gail Collins, 6/4/2010
Hidden in the Shadow of Truth: Why Our Black Boys Choose Criminality, Prison, and Enslavement, by Reginald E. Hicks, 6/28/2010
Downtown, by Michael Musto, 6/28/2010
Godess of the Market : Ayn Rand and the American Right, by Jennifer Burns, 7/8/2010
Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog, by Susannah Charleson, 7/11/2010
The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon, by David Grann, 7/27/2010
Fifth Avenue, 5 AM: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and the Dawn of the Modern Woman, by Sam Wasson, 9/5/2010
The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, by George Friedman, 9/8/2010
Unreliable Truth: On Memoir and Memory, by Maureen Murdock, 9/15/2010
Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, by Daniel Okrent, 10/12/2010
Booky Wook 2: This Time it's Personal, by Russell Brand, 10/16/2010 [kindle app]
American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood, by Maria Arana, 10/20/2010
The Lampshade: A Holocaust Detective Story from Buchenwald to New Orleans, by Mark Jacobson, 10/26/2010
Mirgations of the Heart: A Personal Odyssey, by Marita Golden, 11/9/2010
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan, 11/24/2010
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration, by Isabel Wilkerson, 11/25/2010
A Ticket to the Circus: A Memoir, by Norris Church Mailer, 11/29/10 [kindle app]
Writers: Photographs by Nancy Crampton, 11/30/10
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting, by Syd Field, 12/7/10
Without a Map: A Memoir, by Meredith Hall, 12/14/10
Just Kids, by Patti Smith, 12/19/10
Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America, by Matt Taibbi, 12/27/10 [Nook]
The Girl I Left Behind: A Narrative History of the Sixties, by Judith Nies, 1/10/2011
Cleopatra: A Life, by Stacy Schiff, 1/21/2011
From Monks to Mountain Gorillas: A Family's Inner and Outer Adventure, by Ed Kaufman, 1/23/2011
Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood, by bell hooks, 2/6/2011
The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller, by John Truby, 2/10/2011
Remembered Rapture: the writer at work, by bell hooks, 2/12/2011
A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s, by Stephanie Coontz, 2/17/2011 [Nook]
Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds: The Guaranteed Way to get your Screenplay or Novel Read, by Michael Hauge, 2/18/2011
Writing the Comedy Film: Make 'Em Laugh, by Stuart Voytilla and Scott Petri, 2/24/2011
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, by Christopher Vogler, 3/4/2011
Test Ride on the Sunnyland Bus: A Daughter's Civil Rights Journey, by Ana Maria Spagna, 3/7/2011 [Nook]
Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmaker Must Know, by Jennifer Van Sijll, 3/13/2011
WOW!: A South Bronx "Memoirito" of boyhood and Catholic school, by David Perez, 3/17/2011
HOT: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth, by Mark Hertsgaard, 3/21/2011 [Nook]
The Complete Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, 4/3/2011
Another Bullshit Night in Suck City: A Memoir, Nick Flynn, 4/25/2011
Where Did you Sleep Last Night? A Personal History, by Danzy Senna 5/1/2011
Somewhere Towards the End: A Memoir, by Diana Athill, 6/9/2011
The Silent Passage: Menopause, by Gail Sheehy, 6/30/2011
Lies My Mother Never Told Me: A Memoir, by Kaylie Jones, 7/5/2011
The Plague Years: A Chronicle of AIDS, The Epidemic of Our Times, by David Black, 7/8/2011
Infamous Players: A Tale of Movies, the Mob (and Sex), by Peter Bart, 9/23/2011
Welcome to Shirley: A Memoir from an Atomic Town, by Kelly McMasters, 10/8/2011
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, 10/9/2011
The Armies of the Night, by Norman Mailer, 11/11/2011
When Skateboards Will be Free, by Saï¤ Sayrafiezadeh, 1/9/2012
Shockaholic, by Carrie Fisher, 1/14/2012
The Vintage Mencken gathered by Alistair Cooke, 1/14/2012
In Defense of Women, by H.L. Mencken, 2/5/2012
Murder at the Met, by David Black, 2/7/2012
The Bishop's Daughter, by Honor Moore, 2/16/2012
Concrete: A Seven-Thousand-Year History, by Reese Palley, 3/4/2012
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell, 3/11/2012
Coming of Age in Mississippi, by Anne Moody, 3/21/2012 [Nook]
Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism, by Barbara Weisberg, 3/24/2012
The Medusa Reader, edited by Marjorie Garber & Nancy J. Vickers, 4/4/2012
The Medusa Effect: Representation and Epistemology in Victorian Aesthetics, by Thomas Albrecht, 4/9/2012
Outlaw Woman: A Memoir of the War Years 1960-1975, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, 4/18/2012
Among the White Moon Faces: An Asian-American Memoir of Homelands, by Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, 5/14/2012
Climbing the Mango Trees: A Memoir of a Childhood in India, by Madhur Jaffrey, 6/12/2012 * * *
Abolition's Axe: Beriah Green, Oneida Institute, and the Black Freedom Struggle, by Dr. Milton C. Sernett, 7/7/2012 * * * *
Come to Peterboro: Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society, October 21-22, 1835, by Dr. Milton C. Sernett, 7/8/2012 * * * * *
Gentlemen of Property and Standing: Anti-Abolition Mobs in Jacksonian America, by Leonard L. Richards, 7/15/2012 * * * * *
David Ruggles: A Radical Black Abolitionist and the Underground Railroad in New York City, by Graham Russell Gao Hodges, 7/23/2012 * * * * *
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power, by Rachel Maddow, 9/13/2012 * * * *
Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, by Ahmed Rasid, 9/23/2012
The Enemies of the Constitution Discovered or an Inquiry into the Origin and Tendency of Popular Violence. Containing a Complete and Circumstantial Account of the Unlawful Proceedings at the City of Utica, October 21st, 1835; The Dispersion of the State Anti-Slavery Convention by the Agitators, The Destruction of a Democratic Press and of the Causes Which Led Thereto. Together With a Concise Treatise on the Practice of the Court of his Honor Judge Lynch, by Defensor (William Thomas), 10/9/2012 [Google Books]
The Proceedings of the New York Anti-Slavery Convention, held at Utica, October 21, and New York Anti-Slavery State Society, held at Peterboro, October 22, 1835, 10/12/2012
Beautiful Wreck: Sex, Lies & Suicide, by Stephanie Schroeder, 11/7/2012 * * *
How to Think Like a Neandertal, by Thomas Wynn and Frederick L. Coolidge, 11/30/2012 * * * *
London Underground: The Secret History Beneath the Streets, by Peter Ackroyd, 12/7/2012 * * * *
The Turkish Lover: A Memoir, by Esmeralda Santiago, 12/16/2012 * * * * *
The Florist's Daughter: A Memoir, by Patricia Hampl, 1/15/2013 * * * *
Mean Little Deaf Queer: A Memoir, by Terry Galloway, 3/12/2013 * * * *
That Mean Old Yesterday, by Stacy Patton, 4/9/2013 * * * *
Are You My Mother, by Alison Bechdel 5/15/2013 * * * *
Mug Shots: A Police Artist's Guide to Remembering Faces, by Douglas P. Hinkle 5/31/2013 * * *
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, by Alice Miller 6/3/2013 * * * * *
Let's Take the Long Way Home: A Memoir of Friendship, by Gail Caldwell 6/7/2013 * * * * *
The Colossus of New York, by Colson Whitehead 6/22/2013 * * * *
The Eight Great Characters of Comedy: A Guide to Sitcom Acting and Writing, by Scott Sedita 6/23/2013 * * * *
Writing the Pilot, by William Rabkin 7/13/2013 * * * *
Recollections of My Life as a Woman: The New York Years, Diane di Prima, 9/17/2013 * * *
Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America, Eugene Puryear, 9/22/2013 * * *
Farewell to Manzanar, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston, 10/12/2013 * * * *
Citizen 13660, by Miné kubo, 10/15/2013 * * * *
Duke of Deception: Memories of My Father, by Geoffrey Wolff, 11/23/2013 * * * * *
Lies About My Family, by Amy Hoffman, 1/8/2014 * * *
Darkroom: a memoir in black & white, by Lila Quintero Weaver, 2/5/2014 * * * *
The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander, 2/25/2014 * * * * *
My Beloved World, Sonia Sotomayer 4/9/2014, * * *
Why be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, by Jeanette Winterson, 5/8/2014 * * * *
Carsick, by John Waters, 6/11/2014
The Long Walk to Freedom, Runaway Slave Narratives, Edited by Devon W. Carbad and Donald Weise, 6/20/2014
Religion and the Antebellum Debate over Slavery, Edited by John R. McKivigan & Mitchell Snay, 6/25/2014
Snow-Storm in August: Washington City, Francis Scott Key, and the Forgotten Race Riot of 1835, by Jefferson Morely, 7/3/2014
A History of Negro Slavery in New York, by Edgar J. McManus, 7/26/2014
Refugees From Slavery: Autobiographies of Fugitive Slaves in Canada, Edited by Benjamin Drew, 8/1/2014
The Bible Against Slavery with replies to the "Bible View of Slavery," by Dtephen M. Vail, D.D., 8/1/2014
The Towpath, by Arch Merrill, 8/6/2014
Fairyland: A Memoir of my Father, by Alysia Abbott, 9/15/2014 * * * *
Domestic Manners of the Americans, by Frances Trollope, 9/29/2014
The Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics, Barron H. Lerner, 10/28/2014 * * *
New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery, and Conspiracy in Eighteenth-Century Manhattan, by Jill Lepore, 11/12/2014 * * * *
Breathless: An American Girl in Paris, by Nancy K. Miller, 11/29/2014 * * *
Ar'n't I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South, by Deborah Gray White, 12/5/2014 * * * * *
The Search for the Underground Railroad in Upstate New York, by Tom Calarco, 12/5/2014 * * * *
Resistance at Christiana: The Fugitive Slave Rebellion, Christiana, Pennsylvania, Septermber 11, 1851: A Documentary Account, by Jonathan Katz, 1/1/2015 * * * * *
Little Failure: A Memoir, by Gary Shteyngart, 1/6/2015 * * * * *
The Arrogant Years: One Girl's search for Her Lost Youth, from Cairo to Brooklyn, by Lucette Lagnado, 2/10/2015 * * * *
Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad, by Eric Foner, 2/12/2015 * * * * *
Women's Slave Naratives, by Annie L. Burton and Others, 2/15/2015
Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical Right, by Claire Conner, 3/11/2015 * * *
Root and Branch: African Americans in New York and New Jersey, 1613-1863, Graham Russell Gao Hodges, 3/22/2015 * * * *
Men we Reaped: A Memoir, Jesmyn Ward, 4/12/2015 * * * * *
Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood, Fatima Mernissi, 6/10/2015 * * * *
Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates, 8/14/2015 * * * * *
The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League, by Jeff Hobbs, 11/17/2015 * * * * *
Hold Still, by Sally Mann, 1/6/2016 * * * * *
My Life on the Road, by Gloria Steinem, 4/6/2016 * * * *
The Year my Mother Came Back, by Alice Eve Cohen, 5/7/2016 * * * *
Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Talking: A Young Black Man's Education, by Mychal Denzel Smith, 8/13/2016 * * * * *
Things Worth Knowing About Oneida County (published 1909), by W. W. Canfield & J. E. Clark, 8/21/2016
Negroland: A Memoir, by Margo Jefferson, 9/18/2016 * * * * *
The End of White World Supremacy: Four Speeches by Malcolm X, 10/2/2016 * * * *
The Racial Contract, by Charles W. Mills, 12/23/2016 * * * * *
Wild Cowboys: Urban Marauders & the Forces of Order, by Robert Jackall, 12/27/2016 * * *
Born Bright: A Young Girl's Journey from Nothing to Something in America, Dr. C. Nicole Mason, 1/7/2017 * * * * *
The Skin Between Us: A Memoir of Race, Beauty and Belonging, by Kym Ragusa, 2/15/2017 * * * *
The Testimony of God Against Slavery: a collection of passages from the Bible: which show the sin of holding and treating the human species as property, 1835, by La Roy Sunderland, 2/16/2017 * * * *
Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths About America̩ngua Franca, by John McWhorter, 3/14/2017 * * * * *
Strangers in Their Own Land, Arlie Russell Hochschild, 4/5/2017 * * * * *
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder, 4/27/2017 * * * * *
America's First Great Depression: Economic Crisis and Political Disorder After the Panic of 1837, by Alasdair Roberts, 7/11/2017 * * * *
The New York Abolitionists: A Case Study of Political Radicalism, by Gerald Sorin, 7/16/2017
Freedom at Risk: The Kidnapping of Free Blacks in America 1780-1865, by Carol Wilson, 7/18/2017
The Gospel Ministry: The Oneida Institute and the Rise of Abolitionism in the United States, (unpublished thesis) by Joseph J. Britt, Jr., 8/2017
History of the New York Anti-Slavery Society, by Alice Hatcher, 8/2017
The Skin Above my Knee, by Marcia Butler, 10/8/2017 * * * *
The Origin of Others, by Toni Morrison, 11/1/2017, * * * *
Women and Power: A Minifesto, by Mary Beard, 12/18/2017, * * *
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy, by Ta Nehisi Coates, 12/30/2017 * * * * *
A Sketch of Old Utica, by Blandina Dudley Miller, 1895, 1/8/2018
In the Darkroom, Susan Faludi, 1/10/2018, * * *
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Human story Retold Through Our Genes, by Adam Rutherford, 1/13/2018, * * *
Regarding the Pain of Others, by Susan Sontag, 1/19/2018, * * * *
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, by Roxane Gay, 2/7/2018 * * * * *
Revolution Song: A Story of American Freedom, by Russell Shorto, 3/7/2018, * * * * *
The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir, by Thi Bui, 3/21/2018, * * * * *
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me, Sherman Alexie, 4/18/2018 * * *
Real American: A Memoir, by Julie Lythcott-Haimes, 5/13/2018 * * * *
The Loyalists in the American Revolution, by Claude Halstead Van Tyne, 5/30/2018
Loyalism in New York During the American Revolution, Alexander Clarence Flick, Ph.D., 7/7/2018
Bloody Mohawk: The French and Indian War & American Revolution on New York's Frontier, Richard Berleth, 8/14/2018
Reading with Patrick: A Teacher, a Student. and a Life-Changing Friendship, by Michelle Kuo, 10/14/2018, * * * *
An Odyssey: A Father, a Son, and an Epic, by Daniel Mendelson, 11/14/2018, * * * *
Educated: A Memoir, by Tara Westover, 1/6/2019 * * * *
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury & Healing, by Dr. Joy DeGruy, 2/10/2019, * * * *
The Souls of Black Folk, by W. E. B. Du Bois, 2/20/2019, * * * * *
A Little Piece of Light: A Memoir of Hope, Prison, and A Life Unbound, By Donna Hylton with Kristine Gasbarre, 3/21/2019 * * * *
How to Write an Autobiographical Novel, by Alexander Chee, 5/1/2019, * * * * *
when they call you a terrorist: a black lives matter memoir, by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele, 6/5/2019 * * * * *
The Jerry Rescue: The Fugitive Slave Law, Northern Rights, and the American Sectional Crisis, by Angela F. Murphy, 6/29/2019, * * * *
Practical Dreamer: Gerrit Smith and the Crusade for Social Reform, by Norman K. Dann, 7/7/2019, * * * *
A History of Slavery in Virginia, by James Curtis Ballagh, 7/21/2019
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron, 9/5/2019, * * * * *
The Indian World of George Washington: The First President, the First Americans, and the Birth of the Nation, by Colin G. Calloway, 9/6/2019, * * * * *
The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Paula Gunn Allen, 9/11/2019, * * * *
Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love, Dani Shapiro, 9/14/2019, * * * *
Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, & the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth, Rachel Maddow, 10/6/2019, * * * *
The World According to Fannie Davis, by Bridgett M. Davis, 10/22/2019, * * * *
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self, by Alice Miller, 1/30/2020, * * * *
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations, Mira Jacob, 3/19/2020, * * * * *
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, 3/29/2020, * * * * *
League of the Iroquois, by Lewis Henry Morgan, 4/5/2020
Shadow Soldiers of the American Revolution: Loyalist Tales from New York to Canada, by Mark Jordoin, 4/12/2020
Reminiscences of an American Loyalist, by Jonathan Boucher, 4/20/2020
Catherine Schuyler: Wife, Mother and American Patriot, by Mary Gay Humphreys, 4/26/2020
Marinus Willett: Defender of the Northern Frontier, Larry Lowenthal, 4/29/2020
The Negro in the American Revolution, by Benjamin Quarles, 5/6/2020
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, by Byron Katie, 5/20/2020, * * * *
Liar Temptress Soldier Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War, by Karen Abbott, 5/28/2020, * * * *
Haben: The Deafblind Woman who Conquered Harvard Law, by Haben Girma, 6/9/2020, * * * *
Ante-Bellum Reform: Interpretations of American History, edited by David Brion Davis, 6/12/2020
A History of the Hanover Society, by Ada Marie Peck, 6/13/2020
North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States 1790-1860, by Leon F. Litwack, 6/21/2020
Grass Roots Reform in the Burned-Over District of Upstate New York: Religion, Abolitionism, and Democracy, by Judith Wellman, 7/3/2020
The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850, by Whitney R. Cross, 7/24/2020
To Set The Captives Free: Reverend Jermain Wesley Loguen and the struggle for freedom in central New York 1835-1872, by Dr. Carol Hunter, 8/3/2020
Another America: The Story of Libera and the Former Slaves who Ruled It, by James Ciment, 8/19/2020
The Anti-Slavery Impulse 1830-1844, by Gilbert Hobbs Barnes, 9/12/2020
Breathe: A Letter to my Sons, Imari Perry, 10/28/2020, * * * *
How to be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi, 10/31/2020 * * * * *
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Convey, 12/2/2020
Leaving the Witness: Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life, by Amber Scorah, 12/2/2020 * * *
Dad Is Fat, by Jim Gaffigan, 1/2021, * *, CD audio book
A Really Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, 2/2021, * * * *, CD audio book
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson, 3/15/2021, * * * *
What We Carry: A Memoir, by Maya Shanbhag Lang, 4/14/2021 * * * *
Say I'm Dead: A Family Memoir of Race, Secrets, and Love, by E. Dolores Johnson, 4/28/2021, * * * *
Memorial Drive: A Daughter's Memoir, by Natasha Trethewey, 5/18/2021, * * * *
On Juneteenth, by Annette Gordon-Reed, 6/20/2021, * * * * *
Making Abolitionist Worlds: Proposals for a World on Fire, Abolition Collective, editors, 7/3/2021, * * *
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1, by Edward Gibbon, 8/23/2021, Read by Charles * * * * *
Don't Know Much about History, Kenneth C. Davis, 9/2/2021. CD Audio Book, * * *
How the Word Is Passed, by Clint Smith, 12/8/2021, * * * * *
Crying in H Mart, by Michelle Zauner, 12/1/2021, * * *
Espionage and Enslavement in the Revolution: The True Story of Robert Townsend and Elizabeth, by Claire Bellerjeau & Tiffany Yecke Brooks, 12/12/2021, * * * *
Our First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Civil War, H. W. Brands, 12/30/2021 * * * *
I Am, I Am, I Am, by Maggie O'Farrell, 1/12/2022, * * * * *
Liberty is Sweet: The Hidden History of the American Revolution, by Woody Holton, 1/5/2022, * * * *
The Livingston Lion: Henry Beekman Livingston's Revolution, by Geoff Benton, 1/21/2022, * * * *
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 2, by Edward Gibbon, 4/4/2022, Read by Charles * * * * *
The Cause: The American Revolution and Its Discontents, 1773-1783, by Joseph J. Ellis, 5/8/2022, * * * *
Molly Brant: A Legacy of Her Own, by Lois M. Huey & Bonnie Pulis, 5/24/2022, * * * *
Macbeth: A Dagger of the Mind, by Harold Bloom, 6/22/2022, Read by Charles, * * * * *
The Other Daughters of the Revolution, Narrative of K. White (1809 and the Memoirs of Elizabeth Fisher (1810), 8/27/2022.
The Devils of Loudun: A True Story of Demonic Possession, by Aldous Huxley, 12/3/2022, Read by Charles * * * * *
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 3, by Edward Gibbon, 12/14/2022, Read by Charles * * * * *
Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier, Timothy J. Shannon, 2/4/2023, * * * *
The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A Poet's Jpurny Through American Slavery and Independence, by David Waldstreicher, 7/2023. * * * * *
White Noise, by Don DeLillo, 08/01
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels & Stories Vol I, by Arthur Conan Doyle, 08/01
The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, 08/01
Out on the Cutting Edge, by Lawrence Block, 08/01
Time to Murder and Create, by Lawrence Block, 08/01
David Boring, by Daniel Clowes, 10/01
David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, 10/01
The Fig Eater, by Jody Shields, 11/21/01
The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy, 12/8/01
The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen, 1/1/02
The Archivist, by Martha Cooley, 1/19/02
A Darker Place, by Laurie R King, 2/9/02
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels & Stories Vol II, by Arthur Conan Doyle, 3/6/02
Pandora, by Anne Rice, 3/18/02
Quite Ugly One Morning, by Christopher Brookmyre, 4/13/02
Night Work, by Laurie R King, 4/28/02
When the Sacred Gin Mill Closes, by Lawrence Block, 5/1/02
Stalingrad, by Theodor Plievier, 5/12/02
Justice Hall, by Laurie R King, 5/21/02
The Wind Done Gone, by Alice Randall, 5/27/02
The First Eagle, by Tony Hillerman, 7/3/02
The Burglar Who Thought he was Bogart, by Lawrence Block, 7/5/02
Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague, by Geraldine Brooks, 7/7/02
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, 8/4/02
The Transformations of Lucius: Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass, by Apuleius, translated from Latin by Robert Graves, 8/5/02
Skinwalkers, by Tony Hillerman, 8/7/02
A Breach of Promise, by Anne Perry, 8/15/02
Dance Hall of the Dead, by Tony Hillerman, 8/23/02
Vittorio, The Vampire, by Anne Rice, 8/25/02
Everybody Dies, by Lawrence Block, 8/28/02
A Long Line of Dead Men, by Lawrence Block, 9/1/02
Moby Dick or, The Wale, by Herman Melville, 10/3/02
Paradise Alley, by Kevin Baker, 10/18/02 [referenced in review]
Death of a Stranger, by Anne Perry, 10/27/02
Dreamland, by Kevin Baker, 11/2/02
The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler, 11/11/02
The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, 12/9/02
Odyssey, by Homer, 01/01/03
The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency, by Alexander McCall Smith, 1/06/03
War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy, 4/5/03
Confessions of a Pagan Nun, by Kate Horsley, 4/14,03
No Great Mischief, by Alistair Macleod, 5/2/03
Hope to Die, by Lawrence Block, 5/25/03
The Marx Sisters, by Barry Maitland, 6/14/03
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, by Mark Haddon, 6/22/03
The Portable Dorothy Parker, 7/11/03
The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, 7/12/03
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, 7/13/03
Jeeves and the Mating Season, by P.G. Wodehouse, 8/03
The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 8/03
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, 8/03
The Coffee Trader, by David Liss, 08/03
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J.K. Rowling, 08/03
The Chinese Orange Mystery, by Ellery Queen, 08/03
Murder on the Orient Express, by Agatha Christie, 08/03
The Great Stone Face and other Tales of the White Mountains, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 08/03
The Laughing Policeman, by Maj Sj硬l & Per Wahlæ¬ 08/03
The House of the Seven Gables, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 9/3/03
Lullaby, by Chuck Palahniuk, 9/7/03
Portnoy's Complaint, by Philip Roth, 10/12/03
The History of Mr. Polly, by H.G. Wells, 11/22/03
Pompeii, by Robert Harris, 1/2/04
Shopgirl, by Steve Martin, 2/04
Murders on the Rue Morgue and other stories, by Edgar Allen Poe 3/04
Fear Itself, by Walter Mosley, 3/04
The Pleasure of My Company, by Steve Martin 3/04
The Game, by Laurie R. King, 4/1/04
Hard Times, by Charles Dickens, CD Audio Book, 04/04
No Way to Treat a First Lady, by Christopher Buckley, CD Audio Book, 04/04
Remembrances of Things Past, by Marcel Proust, CD Audio Book, Summer 2004
A Stab in the Dark, by Lawrence Block, 5/3/04
Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules, Edited by David Sedaris 6/5/04
Getting There From Here: Symphony Space Short Story Celebrations, 7/1/04
The Stepford Wives, by Ira Levin, 6/13/04
Fictions for Our Times: Symphony Space Short Story Celebrations, 6/23/05
The Tunnel of Love, by Peter De Vries, 6/28/04
The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold, 6/30/04
Getting There From Here: Symphony Space Short Story Celebrations, 7/1/05
Sacred Clowns, by Tony Hillerman, 7/12/04
Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen, 7/22/04
Goodnight, Irene, by Jan Burke, 7/28/04
Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk 9/7/04
Dress your Family in Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris, CD Audio Book, 10/04
Pigs in Heaven, by Barbara Kingsolver, 10/14/04
No Graves as Yet, by Anne Perry, 10/30/04
Rosanna, by Maj Sj硬l & Per Wahlæ¬ 10/31/04
The Green Mile, by Steven King, CD Audio Book,11/04
Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut, CD Audio Book,11/04
Drag King Dreams, by Leslie Feinberg, 12/14/04
A Spectacle of Corruption, by David Liss, 1/1/05
Coyote Waits, by Tony Hillerman, 1/6/05
Double Whammy, by Carl Hiaasen, 1/12/05
Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison, 1/24/05
You Shall Know Our Velocity!, by Dave Eggers, 2/11/05
Is Sex Necessary? Or Why You Feel the Way You Do, by James Thurber & E.B.White, 3/20/05
The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd, 4/23/05
Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy, via audio CDs, 4/05
Everything is Illuminated, by Jonathan Safran Foer, via audio CDs, 5/8/05
The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett, via audio CDs, 5/15/05
Death in Venice, by Thomas Mann, via audio CDs, 5/22/05
Billy Budd, Sailor, by Herman Melville, via audio CDs, 5/26/05
The Italian Secretary, by Caleb Carr, 6/20/05
Property, by Valerie Martin, 7/8/05
The Man on the Balcony, by Maj Sj硬l & Per Wahlæ¬ 7/13/05
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, by J.K. Rowling, 7/28/05
Atonement, by Ian McEwan, Via Audio CDs, 8/6/05
Selected Shorts: A Celebration of the Short Story, Vol. 18, Via Audio CDs, 8/7/05
Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austin, Via Audio CDs, 8/24/05
Lives of the Circus Animals, by Christopher Bram, 8/22/05
Naked Pictures of Famous People, by Jon Stewart, 8/26/05
The Jane Austen Book Club, by Karen Joy Fowler, 9/13/05
War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells, Via Audio CDs, 9/15/05
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer, 9/21/05
Locked Rooms, Laurie R. King, 10/1/05
Cinnamon Kiss, by Walter Mosley, 10/7/05 CD audio Book
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, by J.M. Barrie, 10/12/05
Northanger Abby, by Jane Austen, 10/31/05
Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro, 10/31/05, CD audio book.
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe, 11/16/05
Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, 12/15/05, CD audio book.
The Coma, by Alex Garland, 12/16/05
- Wickett's Remedy, by Myla Goldberg, 12/18/05
The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall, 12/22/05
Candide or Optimism, by Voltaire, translated by Theo Cuffe, 12/27/05
The March, by E.L. Doctorow, 1/1/06, CD audio book.
Looking Backward, 2000-1887, by Edward Bellamy, 2/6/06
Pride of Carthage, by David Anthony Durham, 3/1/06
Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen, 3/15/06 [mentioned in blog]
Hunting Badger, by Tony Hillerman, 4/1/06
The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, 5/21/06
Folly, by Laurie R. King, 6/14/06
Beloved, by Toni Morrison, 6/21/06
The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories, by Mark Twain, 7/12/06
Persuasion, by Jane Austen, 7/23/06
The Man Who Went Up In Smoke, by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, 7/29/06
In Country, by Bobbie Ann Mason, 8/9/06
Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison, 8/27/06
All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, 8/28/06, CD audio book.
On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt, 8/28/06, CD audio book.
The Intuitionist, by Colson Whitehead, 11/3/06
Ashes to Ashes, by Tami Hoag, 11/29/06
Old Herbaceous: A Novel of the Garden, by Reginald Arkell, 12/2/06
The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams, by Lawrence Block, 12/11/06
Odd Girl Out, by Ann Brannon, 12/21/06
Apex Hides the Hurt, by Colson Whitehead, 1/21/07, [mentioned in blog]
Tell Me Another Morning, by Zdena Berger, 1/26/07 [read full review]
Hit Man, by Lawrence Block, 2/14/07 [mentioned in blog]
Not Just a Personal Ad, by Vittoria Repetto, 3/17/07 [mentioned in blog]
Absurdistan, by Gary Shteyngart, 6/28/07 [mentioned in blog]
Heyday, Kurt Anderson, 7/20/2007 [mentioned in blog]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling, 7/28/07
Boomsday, by Christopher Buckley, 8/24/2007 [mentioned in blog]
The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold, 11/3/07 [mentioned in blog]
Adam and Cain, by Michael Graves, 11/19/07 [mentioned in blog]
On Chesil Beach, by Ian McEwan, 11/28/07
The Fire Engine That Disappeared, by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, 1/12/08
Emma, by Jane Austen, 4/13/08, [mentioned in blog]
Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome, by Robert Harris, 6/11/08, [mentioned in blog]
Murder at The Savoy, by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, 6/18/08
Personal Days, by Ed Park, 7/15/08
Keeping Watch, by Laurie R. King, 8/5/08
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, by Nicholas Meyer, 9/4/08
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, by Mark Twain, 10/25/08
Nothing is Ever Lost, by Argyris Calbaris, 11/24/08
The Lifted Veil, by George Elliot, 12/4/08
Exposure, by Kathryn Harrison, 12/12/08
Company of Liars, by Karen Maitland, 1/31/09, [mentioned in blog]
No one belongs here more than you: Stories, by Miranda July, 2/22/09
Dooms Day Book, by Connie Willis, 3/20/09, [mentioned in blog]
John Henry Days, by Colson Whitehead, 4/30/09, [mentioned in blog]
Go Tell it on the Mountain, by James Baldwin, 7/12/09
The Fallen Man, by Tony Hillerman, 8/9/09
The Locked Room, by by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, 8/20/09
Killing Castro, by Lawrence Block, 10/26/09
Silas Marner, by George Elliot, 11/29/09
It's All About You: A Daily Comic Strip, by Tony Murphy, 12/2/09, [mentioned in blog]
Cousin Henry, by Anthony Trollope, 12/3/09
The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver, 12/27/09
The Education of Black Dickey, Kenneth Wayne Bownes, 1/6/2010, [read full review]
Point Omega, by Don DeLillo, 1/31/2010
The Burden of Speech, by Travis Wayne Denton, 3/9/2010
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson, 3/21/2010
Solar, by Ian McEwan, 4/13/2010
Trace, by Patricia Cornwell, 5/22/2010
The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson, 6/8/2010
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, by Stieg Larsson, 6/16/2010
Under the Dome, by Stephen King, 7/16/2010
Breakfast at Tiffany's, by Truman Capote, 7/26/2010
Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen, 9/25/2010
Super Sad True Love Story, by Gary Shteyngart, 10/1/2010
The Eternal Husband, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, 10/10/2010
1984, by George Orwell, 10/28/2010
The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway, 10/31/2010
The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me: Two Plays, by Larry Kramer, 12/20/10
Deadlock, by Sara Paretsky, 1/15/2011
Antony and Cleopatra, by William Shakespeare, 1/23/2011
Salvation Boulevard, by Larry Beinhart, 2/21/2011
Cop Killer, by by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, 3/20/2011
A Sudden, Fearful Death, Anne Perry, 4/18/2011
Crime and Punishment, by Fodor Dostoevsky, Translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, 6/23/2011
The Burglar on the Prowl, Lawrence Block, 6/29/2011
The Art of Detection, Laurie R. King, 7/13/2011
Fatherland, Robert Harris, 7/21/2011
Invisibilities, Laurie Loewenstein, 8/1/2011
The Silent Cry, Anne Perry, 8/6/2011
Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville, 10/14/2011
The Extinction Event, by David Black, 10/20/2011
Tell All, by Chuck Palahniuk 10/29/2011
The Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole, 11/7/2011 [Nook]
The Optimist's Daughter, by Eudora Welty, 11/12/2011
The Late George Apley, by John P. Marquand, 11/15/2011
Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout, 11/18/2011
The History of Caliph Vathek, by William Beckford, 11/21/2011 [Nook]
The Dying Animal, by Phillip Roth, 11/22/2011
Zone One, by Colson Whitehead, 11/27/2011 [Nook]
From Here to Eternity, by James Jones, 1/5/2012 [Nook]
The Last Nude, by Ellis Avery, 1/26/2012
The Fear Index, by Robert Harris, 2/26/12
The Rebel Wife, by Taylor M. Polites, 5/6/2012 * * * * *
The Canceled Czech, by Lawrence Block, 5/20/2012 * * *
Crackpots, by Sara Pritchard, 6/26/2012 * * * * *
Lucky at Cards, by Lawrence Block, 7/12/2012 * * *
In Zanesville, by Jo Ann Beard, 10/2/2012 * * * * *
A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan, 11/26/2012 * * * * *
Unpublished Manuscript, by Barb Taylor, 1/6/2013 * * * * *
The Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron, 2/8/2013 * * * *
Confedercy of Dunces, by John Kenedy Toole, 2/14/2013 * * * *
Death Comes to Pemberley, by P.D. James, 3/7/2013 * * *
Untitled Novel, by Nina Solomon, 4/30/2013 * * * * *
Wild Seed, by Octavia E. Butler, 5/28/2013 * * * *
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, by Kaylie Jones, 6/24/2013 * * * * *
Our Gang (Starring Tricky and His Friends), by Philip Roth, 7/3/2013 * * * *
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, 7/13/2013 * * * * *
The Girl with the Long Green Heart, by Lawrence Bock, 7/15/2013 * * *
The Big Crowd, by Kevin Baker, 12/2013 * * *
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12/14/2013
Unmentionables, by Laurie Lowenstein, 1/24/2014 * * * *
The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd, 2/9/2014 * * * * *
The Known World, by Edward P. Jones, 6/17/2014, * * * * *
The Chaneysville Incident, by David Bradley, 8/25/2014, * * * * *
Their Eyes were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, 8/18/2014 * * * * *
Trans Atlantic, by Colum McCann, 10/15/2014 * * * * *
Three Weeks in Utica: Erie Canal Cousins, Book 2, by Dorothy Stacy, 11/18/2014
Sing in the Morning, Cry at Night, By Barbara J. Taylor, 11/21/2014 * * * * *
The Alienist, by Caleb Carr, 12/31/2014 * * * *
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, 1/12/2015 * * * * *
Khirbet Khizeh, by S. Yizhar, 3/13/2015 * * * * *
The Rebellion of Miss Lucy Ann Lobdell, by William Klaber, 4/5/2015 * * * *
A Brief History of Seven Killings, by Marlon James, 6/17/2015, * * * * *
The Sunshine Crust Baking Factory, Stacy Wakefield, 6/26/2015, * * * * *
Little Beasts, by Matthew McGevna, 7/3/2015, * * * * *
Fast Shuffle, by David Black, 7/6/2015, * * * *
Dawn, by Octavia E. Butler, 7/17/2015, * * * *
The Whiskey Rebels, by David Liss, 8/10/2015 * * * *
Shifting Tides, by Ann Perry, 8/30/2015, * * *
The Devil's Company, by David Liss, 11/29/2015 * * *
Property, by Valerie Martin, 3/6/2016 * * * * *
The Tenent, by Anne Brontë¬ 6/12/2016 * * *
Some go Hungry, by J. Patrick Redmond, 6/19,2016 * * * *
The Girl in the Spider's Web, by David Lagercrantz, 6/25/2016, * *
All Waiting is Long, by Barbara J. Taylor, 7/8/2016 * * * * *
Dark Asassin, by Anne Perry, 8/11/2016 * * *
Amsterdam, by Ian McEwan, 8/14/2016 * * * *
Indignation, by Philip Roth, 8/17/2016 * * * *
Glorious, by Bernice L. McFadden, 9/1/2016 * * * *
The Dante Club, by Matthew Pearl, 9/5/2016 * * * *
The Cosmopolitans, By Sarah Schulman, 9/30/2016 * * * * *
The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins, 11/14/2016 * * * *
The Sellout, by Paul Beatty, 12/4/2016 * * * *
Mrs. Houdini, by Vitoria Kelly, 12/19/2016 * * * *
Me and Big Steve, unpublished manuscript, Ruth Bonapace, 1/3/2017
Stone Butch Blues, by Leslie Feinberg, 5/8/2017 * * * * *
Murder and Spice and Everything Nice, by Caryn Thomas Mitchell, 6/26/2017 * * * *
Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett, 6/26/2017 * * * *
The Adventures of Harry Franco, Vol. 1 & 2, published 1839, by Charles Frederick Briggs, 7/7/2017, * * *
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, 9/20/2017 * * * * *
Crocodile on the Sandbank, Elizabeth Peters, 10/27/2017, * * *
Deadly Honeymoon, Lawrence Block, 10/29/2017, * * *
The God of the Hive, by Laurie R. King, 11/22/2017 * * * *
The Curse of the Pharaohs, by Elizabeth Peters, 12/15/2017, * * *
Sing, Unburied, Sing, by Jesmen Ward, 6/12/2018, * * * *
The Deerslayer, by James Fenimore Cooper, 6/28/2018
Death of a Rainmaker: A Dust Bowl Mystery, by Laurie Lowenstien, 10/20/2018, * * * *
Lincoln in the Bardo, by George Saunders, 10/28/2018, * * *
The Mummy Case, by Elizabeth Peters, 11/6/2018, * * *
Asymmetry, by Lisa Halliday, 12/26/2018, * * * *
An American Marriage, by Tayari Jones, 1/13/2019, on e-reader, * * * *
Ruby: a novel, by Cynthia Bond, 1/28/2019, on e-reader, * * * * *
There There, by Tommy Orange, 2/5/2019 * * * * *
A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest J. Gaines, 2/13/2019, on e-reader, * * * * *
Lion in the Valley, by Elizabeth Peters, 2/24/2019. * * *
A Gathering of Old Men, by Ernest J. Gaines, 2/26/2019, on e-reader, * * * *
If Beale Street Could Talk, by James Baldwin, 2/28/2019, * * * * *
John Crow's Devil, by Marlon James, 3/5/2019, * * * * *
Moonlight Mile, by Dennis Lahane, 4/12/2019, CD audio book, * * *
The Deeds of the Disturber, by Elizabeth Peters, 4/22/2019. * * *
Zero K, by Don DeLillo, 6/6/2019, CD audio book, * * *
Transcription, Kate Atkinson, 6/17/2019, CD audio book, * * * * *
A Way in the World, by V. S. Naipaul, CD audio book, 7/2019, * * * *
A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini, CD Audio Book, 7/2019, * * * *
Black Lepard, Red Wolf, by Marlon James, CD audio book, 8/27/2019, * * * * *
Beautiful Raft, by Tina Barry, 10/25/2019, * * * * *
The Nickel Boys, by Colson Whitehead, CD audio book, 10/30/2019, * * * * *
The Testaments, by Margaret Atwood, 11/2/2019, * * *
The Last Camel Died and Noon, Elizabeth Peters, 12/13/2019, * * *
The Man who Saw Everything, by Deborah Levy, 12/22/2019, * * * *
Underground Railroad, by Colson Whitehead, 12/28/2019, * * * *
Internment, by Samira Ahmed, CD audio book, 1/2020, * * * *
The Water Dancer, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, CD audio book, 2/2020, * * * * *
The Woman Who Owned the Shadows, by Paula Gunn Allen, 4/11/2020, * * * * *
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, by Betty Smith, CD audio book, 6/10/2020, * * *
Inconvenient Daughter, by Lauren J. Sharkey, 6/24/2020, * * * *
Down the River Unto the Sea, by Walter Mosley, CD audio book, 7/26/2020, * * * *
The Mirror and The Light, by Hillary Mandel, 10/28/2020, CD audio book, * * * * *
Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens, 5/26/2021, via Audible, * * * *
The Secrets of Mary Bowser: A Novel, Lois Leveen, 6/29/2021, Audible, * * * *
The Book of Longings, by Sue Kidd Monk, 8/28/2021 * * * *
Circe, by Madeline Miller, 9/30/2021, via Audible, * * * * *
Harlem Shuffle, by Colson Whitehead, via Audible, 10/6/2021, * * *
An Inconvenient Woman, by Meghan Chance, via Audible, 9/30/2021, * * *
The Song of Achilles: A Novel, by Madeline Miller, via Audible, 11/25/2021, * * * *
A Thousand Ships: A Novel, by Natalie Haynes, via Audible, 12/5/2021, * * * *
The Scarlet Patch, by Mary E. Q. Brush, 12/25/2021, * *
The Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich, via Audible, 12/29/2021, * * * * *
The Thin Red Line, by James Jones, 1/21/2022, * * * * *
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, by André Carter, Via Audible 1/2022, * * * * *
The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, 1/22/2022, * * * *
Stolen, by Rosemary Nichols. 2/19/2022 * * *
A Plague of Doves, Louise Erdich, via Audible, 3/19/2022, * * * *
Beautiful Nuances - Prelude, by Ianna Fletcher, 3/26/2022 * * *
The Hippopotamus Pool, by Elizabeth Peters, 4/3/2022, * * *
Hamnet, by Maggie O'Farrell, 6/7/2022, * * * * *
Moon Witch, Spider King, by Marlon James, Via Audible, 6/9/2022, * * * *
The Weird Sisters, by Eleanor Brown, Via E-book, 7/23/2022, * * * * *
The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated by Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky, 9/11/2022, Read by Charles, * * * * *
Drums Along the Mohawk, by Walter D. Edmonds, 9/12/2022, * * *
The Ape Who Guards The Balance, by Elizabeth Peters, 12/15/2022, * * *
Happening, by Annie Ernaux, read by Charles, 12/25/2022, * * * * *
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, by Lawrence Sterne, 3/30/2023, read by Charles. * *
Washington Square, by Henry James, 4/10/2023, read by Charles. * * * *
Forget Me Not, by Ellie Terry 4/19/2023 via NYC Library Audio App. * * *
Candide, by Voltaire, 4/20/2023, read by Charles. * * * *
Outline, by Rachel Cusk, 5/22/2023, via NYC Library Audio App. * * * *
Autonomous Annalee Newitz, 6/11//2023, via NYC Library Audio App. * * *
Rogue Justice, by Stacey Abrams, 6/22/2023, read by Charles. * * * *
House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton, 7/10/2023, read by Charles. * * * * *
Point Counterpoint, by Aldous Huxley, 8/6/2023, read by Charles. * * * *
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride, 9/1/2023. * * * * *
Federick Douglass: A Novel, by Sydney Morrison (advance readers copy), 10/15/2023. * * * * *
Pamela: Or Virtue Rewarded, by Samuel Richardson, 10/21/2023, read by Charles. * * *
Shamela, by Henry Fielding, 10/22/1023, read by Charles. * *
Players, by Don DeLillo, 11/1/2023, via NYC Library Audio App. * * * *
Transparent Things, by Valdimir Nabokov, 11/11/2023, read by Charles. * * * *
All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren, 5/21/06
- Strivers Row, by Kevin Baker, 7/3/06
A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, 8/6/06
To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf, 9/25/06
- A Farewell to Arm, by Ernest Hemmingway, 12/5/06
Hit Parade, by Lawrence Block, 1/1/07
Selected Shorts: Timeless Classics, 3/23/07
Nature Girl, by Carl Hiaasen, 6/20/07
The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science, by Natalie Angier, 12/25/07
When You are Engulfed in Flames, by David Sedaris, 9/24/08
Lisey's Story, by Stephen King, 11/28/08
Just After Sunset: Stories, by Stephen King, 1/3/09, [mentioned in blog]
Middlemarch, by George Elliot, 5/14/09
The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton, 6/26/09
Underworld, by Don DeLillo, 9/6/09
The Road, by Cormac McCarthy, 9/27/09
The Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner, 11/8/09
Madam Bovery, by Gustave Flaubert, 12/13/09
The Death of Ivan Ilych, by Leo Tolstoy, 1/30/2010
The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick, 4/2/2010
Turn of the Screw, by Henry James, 5/24/2010, read by Charles.
Walks With Men, by Ann Beattie, 6/19/2010, read by Charles.
Three Years, by Anton Chekhov, 10/10/2010, read by Charles.
My Life, by Anton Chekhov, 10/30/2010, read by Charles.
Falling Man, by Don DeLillo, 12/1/2010
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence, 12/30/2010, read by Charles.
At the Mountains of Madness, by H.P. Lovecraft, 3/5/2011, read by Charles.
Bossy Pants, by Tina Fey, 6/17/2011
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 7/9/2011, read by Charles.
An Eye for an Eye, Anthony Trollope, 8/16/2011, read by Charles.
On Booze, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 8/16/2011, read by Charles
Daisy Miller: A Study, by Henry James, 8/21/2011, read by Charles
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, 9/18/2011
The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett, 11/20/2011
The Woman in White, by Wilkie Collins, 1/8/2012, read by Charles.
Cousin Henry, by Anthony Trollope, 2/5/2012, read by Charles.
The Sorrows of Young Werther, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 3/2/2012, read by Charles.
Free Will, by Sam Harris, 3/11/2012, read by Charles.
Never Mind, by Edward St Aubyn, 5/2/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Bad News, by Edward St Aubyn, 5/16/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Home, by Toni Morrison, 5/19/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Some Hope, by Edward St Aubyn, 5/26/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Mother's Milk, by Edward St Aubyn, 6/6/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
At Last, by Edward St Aubyn, 6/20/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady, by Kate Summerscale, 7/6/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective, by Kate Summerscale, 8/10/2012, read by Charles. * * * *
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 8/20/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
The Touchstone, by Edith Wharton, 8/23/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
The Chemistry of Tears, by Peter Carey, 9/22/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
The Glass Key, by Dashiell Hammett, 11/22/2012, read by Charles. * * * *
Daniel Deronda, by George Elliot, 12/29/2012, read by Charles. * * * * *
Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen, 2/15/2013 * * * *
Fathers and Sons, by Ivan Turgenev, 2/22/2013, read by Charles. * * * * *
The Awkward Age, by Henry James, 5/25/2013, read by Charles * * * * *
The Long Fall, by Walter Mosley 6/1/2013 * * * *
I Married a Communist, by Phillip Roth, 6/15/2013, read by Charles * * * * *
Paradise Lost, by John Milton, 6/29/2013, Abridged * * * * *
Embarrassments, by Henry James, 7/12/2013, read by Charles * * * * *
Aspern Papers, by Henry James, 8/6/2013, read by Charles * * * *
Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett, 8/11/2013 * * * * *
Mill and the Floss, George Elliot, 8/22/2013, read by Charles * * * * *
Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish, by David Rakoff, 8/26/2013, read by Charles * * *
Ravelstein, by Saul Bellow, 9/12/2013, read by Charles * * * *
Eugene Onegin, by Alexander Puskin, 10/2013, read by Charles * * * * *
Phineas Finn, Anthony Trollope, 2/2014, read by Charles * * * * *
The Moonstone, Wilkie Collins, 4/28/2014, read by Charles * * * * *
Like Water for Elephants 5/27/2014, * * * * *
State of Wonder, by Ann Patchette, 7/2/2014, * * * * *
The Last Runaway, by Tracy Chevalier, 7/23/2014, * * * *
Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickins, 7/29/2014, read by Charles * * * *
Sister Carrie, by Theadore Driser, 8/30/2014, read by Charles * * * *
The Daring Ladies of Lowell, by Kate Alcott, 8/31/2014 * * * *
Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope, 11/22/2014, read by Charles * * * *
Somerset, by Leila Meacham, 12/6/2014, * * *
Mary Barton, by Elizabeth Gaskell, 1/4/2015, read by Charles * * * *
Far from the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy, 3/23/2015, read by Charles * * * * *
Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, by Maryanne Wolf, 4/19/2015 * * * *
The Eustace Diamonds, Anthony Trollope, 6/10/2015, read by Charles * * * * *
The Ambassadors, by Henry James, 7/21/2015, read by Charles * * * *
Phinneas Redux, by Anthony Trollope 9/1/2015, read by Charles * * * * *
Alice in Wonderland, 9/10/2015, read by Charles * * * *
Alice Through the Looking Glass 9/11/2015, read by Charles * * * *
No Name, by Wilkie Collins, 10/28/2015, read by Charles * * * * *
To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf, read by Charles * * * * *
The Circle, By Dave Eggars, 4/15/2016 * * * *
All Creatures Great and Small, by James Herriot, 6/4/2016, * * * * *
Bleak House, by Charles Dickins, read by Charles, 6/13/2016 * * * * *
The Prime Minister, by Anthony Trollope, read by Charles, 8/4/2016 * * * * *
Silas Mariner, by George Elliot, read by Charles, 8/10/2016 * * * * *
The Wicked Boy: The Mystery of a Victorian Child Murderer, by Kate Summerscale, read by Charles, 8/19/2016 * * * * *
Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, read by Charles, 8/27/2016 * * * * *
All Things Bright and Beautiful, by James Herriot, 9/8/2016 * * * *
Nutshell, by Ian McEwan, read by Charles, 9/18/2016, * * *
Charcoal Joe, by Walter Mosley, 12/4/2016 * * * *
The Duke's Children, by Anthony Trollope, read by Charles, 12/15/2016 * * * * *
Sentimental Education, by Gustave Flaubert, read by Charles, 2/26/2017 * * * * *
Wolf Hall, by Hillary Mandel, 5/17/2017 * * * * *
Middlemarch, by George Elliot, read by Charles, 6/14/2017 * * * * *
Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi, 6/21/2017 * * * * *
All Things Wise and Wonderful, by James Harriot, 7/7/2017 * * * *
Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, read by Charles, 7/10/2017 * * * * *
Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, read by Charles, 7/25/2017, * * * * *
Armadale, by Wilkie Collins, read by Charles, 8/19/2017, * * *
Orlando: A Biography, by Virginia Woolf, read by Charles, 9/2/2017, * * * *
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, by Arundhati Roy, 9/11/2017 * * * *
Villette, by Charlotte Brontë¬ read by Charles, 10/28/2017, * * * * *
To the Bright Edge of the World, by Eowyn Ivey, 12/3/2017, * * * *
Lady Audley's Secret, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon, 12/25/2017, read by Charles, * * * *
The Warden, by Anthony Trollope, 12/26/2017, read by Charles, * * * *
The Lord God Made Them All, by James Herriot, 12/27/2017, * * *
Modern Romance, by Aziz Ansari, 1/26/2018, * * *
Barchester Towers, by Anthony Trollope, 2/21/2018, read by Charles * * * *
Slaughterhouse Five, Kirt Vonnegut, 2/23/2018, * * * * *
Judas, by Amos Oz, 4/25/2018, * * * * *
Dr. Thorn, by Anthony Trollope, 4/29/2018, read by Charles, * * * * *
Five Carat Soul, by James McBride, 5/24/2018, * * *
Framley Parsonage, by Anthony Trollope, 5/28/2018, read by Charles, * * * *
The Vengeance of Mothers: The Journals of Margaret Kelly and Molly McGill, by Jim Fergus, 6/21/2018, * * *
The Maltese Falcon, 7/9/2018, read by Charles, * * *
Hope Never Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery, by Andrew Shaffer, read by Charles, * * *
The Pact: A Love Story, by Jodi Picoult, 8/24/2018 * * *
Bring up the Bodies, by Hilary Mantel, 8/31/2018, * * * *
Dr. Sleep, by Stephen King, 9/25/2018, * * * * *
The Life of Benjamin Button and Other Jazz Tales, F. Scott Fitzgerald, 10/6/2018
Pygmy, Chuck Palahniuk, 10/7/2018, * * * *
The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien, read by Charles, 10/9/2018 * * * * *
The Man in the Black Suit: Four tales, by Stephen King, 10/22/2018. * * * 1/2
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill), by John Cleland, 11/11/2018, read by Charles, * * *
The Monk of Mokha, by Dave Eggers, 11/26/2018, * * * *
The Girl with the Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevlier, 12/1/2018, * * *
Hazards of Time Travel, by Joyce Carol Oates, 12/11/2018, read by Charles, * * *
A Stranger in my Grave, by Margaret Millar, 12/25/2018, read by Charles, * * * *
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington, 12/29/2018, * * * * *
Elevation, by Stephen King, 1/11/2019, read by Charles, * * * *
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 2/1/2019, read by Charles. (saw Gatz the following day), * * * * *
Revival, by Stephen King, 2/23/2019, * * * *
Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, by James Weldon Jackson, 3/30/2019, read by Charles, * * * *
It Grows on You and Other Stories, by Stephen King, 4/5/2019, * * *
The End of the Whole Mess and Other Stories, by Stephen King, 5/20/2019 * * *
Showboat, by Edna Ferber, 5/23/2019, read by Charles, * * *
The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain, 5/29/2019, read by Charles, * * * *
Double Indemnity, by James M. Cain, 6/7/2019, read by Charles, * * * *
Breakfast a Tiffany's, Truman Capote, 6/18/2019, read by Charles, * * * * *
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 7/2019, read by Charles.
Hope Rides Again: An Obama Biden Mystery, by Andrew Shaffer, 8/29/2019, read by Charles, * * *
Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing, by Robert A. Caro, 9/22/2019, read by Charles, * * * * *
The Pure and the Impure, by Colette, 10/17/2019, read by Charles, * * *
The Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollope, 1/20/2020, read by Charles, * * * *
Klara and the Sun: A novel, by Kazuo Ishiguro, 3/7/2021, read by Charles, * * * *
The Last Chronicle of Barset, by Anthony Trollope, 3/2021, read by Charles, * * * * *
Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen, 4/2021, read by Charles, * * * * *
The Haunting of Alma Fielding: A True Ghost Story, by Kate Summerscale, 5/3/2021, Read by Charles, * * * * *
The Man Who Lived Underground, by Richard Wright, 5/11/2021, read by Charles,* * * *
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson, 5/25/2021, read by Charles, * * * *
When Justice Sleeps, by Stacey Abrahams, 6/26/2021, read by Charles, * * * *
What Maisie Knew, by Henry James, 8/27/2021, read by Charles, * * * *
Aurora Floyd, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon, 11/13/2021, read by Charles, * * * *
Ulysses, by James Joyce, 6/20/2022, read by Charles, * * * * *
The Odyssey, by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson, 6/30/2022, read by Charles, * * * * *
Penelopiad, Margaret Atwood, 7/6/2022, read by Charles, * * * *
Indiana, by George Sand, 10/2022, read by Charles, * * * *